Our goal from the beginning has been to create a brand with a sustainable focus.
All of our trees are grown in Scotland, and our growers minimise the use of approved pesticides and fertilisers, and where they do use them they ensure there is minimal impact to flora, fauna and watercourses. Wherever trees have been harvested, each grower ensures that at least 2 trees are planted to replace it. Not only does your tree arrive fresh from the grower, but it is grown in harmony with nature and the wildlife that naturally inhabit the plantations.
It is important that our customers know that their tree comes from a sustainable supply chain, and every tree that we sell comes with a unique code that gives the customer information about the journey of their tree - click here​ to find out more.
We have reduced the use of plastics, with a focus on the use of recyclable materials, throughout the chain in our business. All the decorations that we sell are made from reclaimed and recycled materials - we regularly partner with local makers. Our Christmas tree wrapping is biodegradable.
A Christmas tree can be a carbon neutral purchase if it is part of a well managed supply chain - as well as our trees being delivered direct from the growers, we are reducing our environmental impact by offsetting fuel emissions through investing in carbon reduction projects, and we are committed to using hybrid vehicles only.
We are always looking for ways to enhance and develop our approach - if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the above, get in touch.
Did you know Christmas trees play a huge role in how much carbon is absorbed each year? A single Christmas tree absorbs at least 1 tonne for CO2 in its lifetime!
Cut trees take around 10 years to grow meaning a single tree will absorb roughly 10 tonnes of carbon in its lifetime, and for every tree harvested, at least 2 are planted the following spring. But it’s not just about absorbing carbon. The plantations provide a great home for a huge variety of wildlife
Growers in Scotland have 13 million trees in the ground at any one time, across 1700 hectares! Studies across Europe have shown that up to 12 tonnes of carbon is absorbed per hectare each year. So, whether you are buying a Cut or Pot Grown Tree you can be sure that it has done it’s bit for the environment.
Thinking of getting an Artificial Christmas Tree this year to help protect the environment? Think again! Natural trees use ten times less basic materials to produce and five times less energy. Their CO2 emission is four times lower and all waste is reusable.
(Study in Holland Hekhuis, J.M. 1998).